Legacy Sequels You Didn’t Know Were Even Happening

by konkon

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@Looper 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Which of these are you looking forward to the most?

@bloodrunsclear 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

I’m so happy some of these didn’t happen.
I wish more of them had..

@jamesheinle2162 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Sequels that would suck…
E.T.2:Home Alone.
Breakfast Club:The Next Generation.
Batteries Not Included:Solar Powered.

@stephensmith6660 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

I just want to see Bruce Leroy and Sho'Nuff team up to help their kids fight against some new threat, Like Wokism.

@xro5841 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

In a World of Remakes, Reboots, and Ruined Memories. I thought the New and Better Generation did thing bigger and better but here they go pretending to be what once was classic. Remakes that will most likely SUCK, they usually do. Reboots that will only be OK with them because they didn't see the Originals. And Ruined memories because Al Pacino IS Scarface, Glenn Close IS Fatal Attraction, Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones, Michael J. Fox IS Marty McFly & remaking with anyone else, Even Antonio Banderas just Ruins Memories while trying to Steal Fame from an Classic.

Fuck them all

@kippkippington 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Top 3 Legacy Sequels that I would love to see happen:
Sam Raimi Spider-Man 4
Harold & Kumar 4
A Nightmare on Elm Street 9 with Robert Englund!

@AlkisenSuper 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Who on earth didn't know about Indiana Jones 5 happening? That's pretty much all I've been hearing about lately.

@derekcooley5832 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Get ready for a whole lot of Hollywood reboot garbage filled with diversity , inclusion and gender politics.

@evanavis7523 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

There really are no original stories left, are there?

@shaftomite007 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Are all we're truly capable of anymore just reboots, sequels, and super heros

@pushitlpvo 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

You stole my thumbnail

@mitchellbjerke5547 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Been hearing about Beetlejuice 2 for most of my adult life. Won't believe it's real until it's in a theater

@lesliesauceman8093 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

2 of my favorites! Big trouble in little china and Beetlegeuse.

@peenitty8612 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Good director for Indy he really did great with Logan

@extremeconcepts1 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Not having Kurt Russell in BTILC2 would suck also not having Kim Catrell…also having probably no input from John Carpenter would suck also

@vladyvhv9579 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Ones I'll have to check out for myself: BTILC, Last Starfighters, Gremlins, Robocop, and Beverly Hills Cop. My runners up would be Darkman, Labyrinth, and Beetlejuice. A couple of other John Carpenter movies we'd love sequels to: The Thing (Carpenter's 1982 one, not the 2011 prequel [because that movie is intended to have Carpenter's masterpiece be its sequel]) and Christine.

The Thing (insert theoretical release date here, to keep the running gag of all 3 having the same proper title) could actually make sense if Carpenter's original expanded ending (which had Mac and Childs being rescued and found to both be human, but was dropped because it tested poorly at the time) is held as canon. We don't even need that as a filmed scene. What we do need is Kurt Russle reprising the role of MacReady. Perhaps locked away in an asylum in modern times, as all official records show that he and Childs apparently went crazy and blew up Outpost 31. And similar story with Kate destroying Thule. From there, perhaps take a few elements from the game (which was intended to continue the story, but kinda went off the rails), with the government having been working on experiments on surviving bits and pieces of the Things, tech from the ship, etc. Natrually, Things get out of hand, and MacReady is given an offer. Join what will likely be a suicide mission to properly exterminate the Things, or continue to rot in his padded room…

Christine is something I didn't think would be viable until I saw Carpenter's music video a few years ago. And holy crap… That's practically a movie trailer right there… There's certainly no shortage of classic car enthusiasts, even today. Possibly more so since the push towards awful, ugly electric and hybrid designs (make one of those that looks like a 70s or 80s era muscle car, and you'd have people beating your doors down to buy them; but no… you gotta make dumpy little things that respectable people laugh at) are pushed more and more… So, that really solves any issues with it not being a period piece (the original is set in the 70s). Issues like bullying haven't really improved, and the anti-fight back people tend to be making things worse on that front. Plus, nowadays, a lot of hate/spite/etc is conveyed online, with adults as much a target as teens of driving age. So, that could fix an issue with narrative flexibility and casting. Possibly, whoever Christine's new owner is, is completely unaware of her past. Maybe it's just some person who likes working on classic cars? Maybe it's more of a group project? Maybe it's someone who bought what they thought was a junker to part out for a bit more than they paid. Maybe they flip classic cars? Maybe they weren't even looking for a car, and like Arney, Christine managed to get her metaphysical hooks into them? Bonus points if in this movie she smashes a VW bug with a Herbie paintjob.

@kane100574 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Still no Explorers sequel?? Figures

@PreacherTHC 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

They already did a Lethal Weapon 5 in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it was Bloody perfect! So they don't need to do it again they're too old for that s***

@6eightss 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Guarantee all of these will be woke garbage. Just leave them be

@robertbarncord6341 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

All your favorites updated for "modern" audiences. I'm sure a few will be well done but based on the recent history of what they do to Legacy Sequels I'm not expecting much.

@duphasdan 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

When I hear the term 'diversity' or 'for modern audiences' I just know that it will be an instant flop as the movie will be woke trash. Also, the plot for the new Rocketeer movie mentioned does not even remotely follow the original comic. When will Hollywood stop intentionally messing up comic stories while presuming no one will notice the flaws in the story?

@darkgardenrecords9264 07/06/2024 - 5:21 AM

Man I’ve been calling for a Little China remake since the 00s! They’re gonna get to all of em in my head apparently , nice


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