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@Amber-dw9op 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

Fortunately, we're a military family so I was already familiar with life derailing plans long before we started homeschooling. I love your advice. Mine is to have a solid plan, but be prepared to scrap everything, pick your priorities, and set the tone for your family environment until the crisis is over.

@JohannaParrishParrish_Place 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

My Kids do go to public school, but I have always canned our fresh grown veggies and fruit. So my daughter has learned how to make jelly. And helps in the kitchen alot

@micheleslepski285 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

This is my second year of homeschooling. I have a 4th grader and a 2nd grader. And an 8 month old. The year I decided to homeschool was the time that I discovered that I was pregnant with him.
I started the year with gusto, but then I started getting "morning" sickness and then gestational diabetes. A very difficult pregnancy physically. So I lapsed in the school work. We finished the year, but not until September going into the next year. During that time, we moved and I had the baby. So my priorities were taking care of him and my homeschooling work was put on the back burner.
Now, in March, we are so far behind again. The baby has been sleeping through the night, so I can't use that excuse for not getting things done. I have been watching a few of these videos to help motivate me.

@Scout-bt3mo 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I have trouble knowing where to focus my kid's education because he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. I guess our focus will be on life skills and introducing him to various subjects.

@momofmany6619 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

“Have you committed you day to the Lord?”
I agree – our main duty is to disciple our children in the Lord. Teach them to love the Lord and live for the Lord, teach them how to communicate and how to develop healthy relationships. Teach them how to manage their homes and live lovingly with their future families and friends.
I have my BA, my BSN, my RN, and my MA and I have learned so much homeschooling. I learn so much from all of the books we read – even from picture books!! I did so well in school that I graduated early with excellent grades, but I knew how to play the public school game. Memorize and regurgitate – it’s the only way to score high on such an accelerated schedule. I’d rather my children go deeper, learn to think and to discuss and forget about the grades as much as possible. I heard a great quote from Andrew Pudewa. “Do what you want and call it what you must.” That is one of my mottos for homeschooling now. Even with my 11th grade son.

@lorimast 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I really needed this right now. We are behind in everything right now!!!

@priscillaramos3033 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

How do you deal with bad attitudes??anybody can help:/

@HappyHomeHeritage 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I’m only halfway through your video and I love the message you are sharing. Thank you!

@beyondthebookshomeschool 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

Oh my gosh! You have spoken my heart! This is our 3rd year homeschooling and it has been definitely NOT going according to plan either. You are so correct when you say to "have a plan and hold it loosely," and I've started to notice a shift in my mindset since before Christmas. Yes, I too, bought curriculum with good intentions but some of it just wasn't working for my kiddos, so we ditched it! We have embraced so much more of the important things (in my own opinion). Love, love, love this video!

@hs1athome 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

The week of Christmas 2021 we had a housefire. After a horrible year we were able to get into our home a day before the anniversary of the fire. We still have no furniture as we are still hashing out funds with our insurance company. All the homeschool materials that survived are packed away in a POD under alot of snow. Life happens indeed! Lots of Grace, and trusting it will all work out.

@ourthriftyhomeschool 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

This is such an encouragement! You and I are so similar….I was the cliffs notes girl in high school too….but as a mom I've learned to love reading and learning! Thanks for this video! I'm more encouraged about having a daughter entering high school next year….we can do this! ❤

@andreaf1118 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

No doubt that the Lord put this video in my feed for a reason. Thank you!! It was just what my heart needed. ❤

@cherylcurry2948 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I've had our homeschool "plan" put way into perspective this year. I bought the planner you use (thanks for the code, btw!) instead of a cheapo $20 one with the intent of trying to keep life organized this year. I bought a curriculum that was more independent. I'm so glad God led me to get it because he knew I would have minimal time for teaching lessons. About a month after we had our 5th child, our 2yo was diagnosed with cancer. Our world has been turned upside down. I do 0 planning. Our school days, I say, "what subjects should we do today?" And just go from there. The only thing I use the planner for is the calendar for tracking days.
We live in one of the most regulated homeschool states. We do enough for their requirements but nor much else. It's been so much better for my kids education anyway. They ASK to do school sometimes. They've picked up books on their own to read when they previously had little interest. They've helped with the baby and each other more. While it's not easy, it's better overall. I would typically consider us behind, but I'm not worrying about it. I'm just doing what I can, and trying to make minimum state requirements.

@wendyzamorano6228 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I really needed to hear this today! Thank you. God bless you.

@Raising_Arrowsx5 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

This is my third year homeschooling and I keep getting in my own way. I feel like I keep tripping over my other plans and falling on my face. Getting up and restarting is hard. I'm feeling completely derailed here today. The homeschooling train is so heavy to get back on the tracks. Yes! I need to ask for the Lord's help. And trust Him

@TheMrsJCD 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

Thank you so much!! I needed to hear your inspiring words so much. God is good. He led me to your channel. Thank you for being a blessing in my life.

@Suebearish 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

There is no behind with homeschool. It is about progressing along at their level and pace for each subject and may be by different speeds for different subjects

@jessicafrank182 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

I love your videos! Thank you for your encouragement! Love your channel!

@heathert8895 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

Well this was convicting! Thank you for speaking the words of truth!

@KeaIrene23 06/14/2024 - 1:28 AM

We have had a heck of a year. So I just decided we are going minimal. I live in a “red state” high in paper work and requirements. So it’s harder. My kids are younger in elementary school. So our MUST hits everyday are LA, Math, Reading, and life skills. Hitting history and science once or twice a week. (Those will be more prominent once they are in middle/high school)


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