I bounced for 2 years & this happened – mini trampoline rebounder addiction

by konkon

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@kathylittlemorecom 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

You are an inspiration. An easy tweak to make bouncing into aerobic exercise is to pump your arms like a runner. That will raise your heart rate.

@rosieaustin9911 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

What a friendly guy!

@cinmac3 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thank you for responding to your videos.
I relate to causing pain trying to get healthy i Injured myself lifting a rock under water i feel strain when i move so i so a soft bounce, a little discomfort, but, i hope this is still beneficial until back pain gets better.

@cinmac3 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Hi Robb a better diet ought to help, your other Charla challenges , too

@Ilovejesus96 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Started bouncing about a week ago. I bounce after I eat a meal to help regulate blood sugars , I have noticed a huge difference in puffiness, energy levels are great on the days I bounce I can skip naps, I bounce all through out the day listen to fun music and make it my thing. This is something I look forward to do doing every day so I know it’s sustainable for me. Haven’t hoped on the scale my bloat and pants are much looser! Added benefit is my digestion is working way better. It’s moving again! Was very slow. Happy with results look forward to updating after a few months.

@woosterwarrrior766 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Such a sweet man. ❤

@lvxxviii 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thanks for the video Papa!

@saramarques7986 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

This made me decide to start again rebounding.
I used to do it and loved it but I have so many many back problems that the last time I tried rebounding I couldn't stand my back after that . Yes I was doing those acrobatics we watch on YouTube!
Watching you making this your own way and gentle movements make me believe that as long as I'm rebounding even if it isn't like it used to, I'm still moving and doing something good to my body.
Thank you! Very motivating and inspirational!

@carolynknapschaefer3561 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

I purchased a rebounder for around $75 several months ago and I initially experienced some lower back pain. After doing some research I learned that doing some back strengthening or core strengthening exercises should help and I thank God it did help so that I did not have to give up rebounding. I do the back exercises daily(less than 5 minutes) No more back pain! I love the Lord Jesus and also listen to Bible teaching.

@MichaelMalone-zo9zj 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thanks for your encouragement, It means a lott ,stay Well.

@sonjasisco8064 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

I have no negative effects. The ones you mentioned are probably due to what you are eating. Digestion changes as you age. Go keto! I use mine most days especially when my sugar levels are high.

@mishemeesh8674 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thank you for sharing your story and congrats on taking action on staying active with rebounding. I love rebounding too!

@benbig1299 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Well done Thanks from Germany

@cr3062 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Good job! Im also keeping the rust off!

@jorgerd3606 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thank you, blessings…

@iriafriconnet4763 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Thanks man I'm getting one today

@jamesmolley8636 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

I'm almost 70, have had a rebounder for the last 40 yrs, it has sit in the closet most of the time. I now will get it out and start rebounding again. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder. God Bless!

@stellaadler120 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

I used to jump on a trampoline every day for 30-60 mins. I lost so much weight but also increased my endurance for running. I also felt so great during that time

@flowgood123 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Hey Rob I just wanted to leave a comment about your dental work I had two root canals done when I was 15 years old and then at 58 started having heart trouble, I watched a documentary called Root Cause and the heart surgeon in this video said all heart diseases starts in the mouth, and he will not do any heart surgery till his patients address there dental work so I had those two root canals removed and it changed my life and my heart went back to normal I can walk without feeling tired. I hope u watch the documentary.

@macmommahammer7197 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Love your giggles!! 55 and expecting my first rebounder to show up in a couple days. I want to be joyous like you!!! 🙂

@kittymama611 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

I just ordered my first mini trampoline and I am so happy I found your video. I am just trying to stay in motion and get healthier.

@kaodiokafor322 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

did he say bouncing caused or got rid of hemorrhoids ?

@martacheetham845 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Just saw this and it is wonderful. I have had a mini trampoline for several years and you have inspired me to get back on it. Good for you, and I believe that your health is better than it would be without your bounce workout. Best of everything to you on your good health journey.

@lak12765 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Hi I bought me a rebounder in October and still haven’t used it. Watching your video has motivated me to start. Thanks for sharing

@delhargis2219 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

You are an inspiration sir!

@latinamm7013 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

Did you say bouncing makes your teeth fall, affects your eye sight, and gives you hemorrhoids? Lol

@juanafgutierrez 06/05/2024 - 3:57 AM

please give us an update


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