What Shocking Incident Happened In Your School ?

by konkon

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@TheCinnaCat 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

Gosh I remember when I was a school

@goodbyeseeyalater 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

My class used to rebel against this one teacher who should've picked a different career a long time ago. Twice. This first time was when my class all banged on the tables at the same time. The second was when she had us and someone threw pen, pencil or paper(I cant recall what was thrown) at her and she went into the main office, crying. That teacher was the worst person ever. No idea where she is at or if she is alive.

@CurlyB987 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

Student managed to get the administrative login for the website used for Spanish homework and assignments and used it to upload cp to every course. Not sure who did it or what came of it, but I have never been more glad to have been a terrible Spanish student.

@CollectiveMindFilms 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

More like confusing, than shocking—but a bunch of people tried to have me unalived. I have no idea what was going on and couldn’t get anyone to tell me anything, was actually just trying to write to the school and find out. They were really awful about taking care of students, though

@fancydeer 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

The school that gave parenting classes to the pregnant girls was really cool actually.

@marmot418 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

For the comment on story 30, the people who upload the corn to places like "The Hub"

@strawberry_boba_milk_tea8195 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

My youngest brother, who was a freshman at the time, I was a senior, was apart of the reason we had a school assembly . He was caught trading knives for weed/vapes. This was one month into the school year. I never saw him around school so I had no idea this was happening until he didn’t come to the buses after school. I Called my dad to let him know and not long after my dad got a call from the school.

@baliyae 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

I’d hate to say this, but we didn’t an incident at any of the schools I attended. Yeah, it was pretty boring. We didn’t even have a pregnancy when I was in high school.

@emnorfolk5559 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

I can't count the teachers who (a) had affairs with each other, (b) went to the pub and got drunk at lunch and (c) sa'd kids… Oh actually, my year alone… (a) 4, 1 got pregnant, (b) at least 20 and (c) 2!!!

@richardherndon451 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

As I was listening to this my dad (a high school computer technician) texted me and my mom and told us that someone lit his school on fire. Again.

@SkinnerNoah 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

When i was in eleventh grade, a girl recorded herself using a popsicle as a d*ldo. There was an assembly where the principal and police said anyone with the video would be arrested and expelled.
The weird thing is that the girl was proud of the video and almost got charged for production of cp because she kept sharing it with people

@joehutchings2992 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

an english public school is genuinely shit how is it the same as a private american school such bs i go to one and it’s not true

@EscapingValhalla 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

When i was in middle school, I had an art teacher who was a very talented painter and an established artist outside his teaching career. One day he just stopped coming to class and we suddenly had substitute teacher with no reason given to his absence. A little while later it came out that he was accused and later convicted of making forgeries of famous artists' paintings (ex. Picasso's) which he sold to collectors. He apparently also had ties to organized crime and money laundering schemes.
He died a few years later apparently from falling down an escalator, there were rumors that someone pushed him.

@StarBlazerM31 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

A teacher in my high school had a thing for underage guys. Apparently she would have a new "favorite student" every couple years. One year, she finally got arrested for giving a student oral. She was arrested, her teaching career abruptly ended, and her husband divorced her. Couldn't have happened to a nicer teacher, because she was the sole reason I had to transfer to another school to graduate. (I got sick for two weeks and she refused to let me make up the work; I had to pass her class to graduate)

@TheRuneTail 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

Its so funny of the hypocrisy. "When she returned she was greeted with cheers"

When you know damn well if it was a male teacher hed be met with handcuffs

@19nmiller1 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

I went to high school with the girl who ate her own used tampon and posted it on YouTube. Going to class the day after it was posted was very interesting. It was our freshman year of high school when she made it and swiftly was taken out to be homeschooled. She actually returned for our senior year and graduated alongside us. Weird times.

@spongedog0013 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

My school had 2 Student Teacher relationship incidents However some sexism was involved. The male teacher was quickly fired at the end of the year but the school still tried to keep it quite however the female teacher that was sleeping a student was never fired and the school attempted to fully cover it up and even after the students found out she still kept her job. Rual Arkansas High schools have a lot of that stuff going on.

@esecretlangel9130 05/14/2024 - 3:24 PM

I mentioned this before but some people have asked me to clarify something in 2008 my principal and at least on of the administrators started embezzling for the school. They were both arrested in 2015.
It involved the ‘banker school’ in Australia. The vice principal to over and made it a STEM school.


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