#savesamson – Samson speaks about what’s happening to him

by konkon

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@PoliticallyPink 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

These videos are great for bringing attention to some awful situations. It would be really helpful to have names and addresses to write or email to, maybe updates so we know if it still needs our attention. For instance, I would write a letter right now to pressure someone, but I don't know who is making the decisions, where to address my concerns, or whether the case has settled or anything else changed in the 2 years since you first posted.

@tinajenkins4272 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

Sorry if all this truly happened but in a court of law they may say he is being feed information because in a way that’s what it sounds like.

@amyjones6284 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

This makes me so damn mad and sad to hear him describe what happens to him I wish to god these sick people get arrested!!!… how sick are these people and the state of WV I’m embarrassed to say I live in WV when such terrible things are happening to a precious soul my god please help this man get back to his sister when he is so loved!!.. I want to be this man friend and just hug him when this is all over with he makes my heart melt!!.. lord please help him please god please!!!..

@cloudyskies2287 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

We're here for you Samson

@aleshiaspeicher8513 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

Please email Silenceisnotanoptionams@gmail.com

They can help you if you want

@wwjd0743 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

How can we help is there a Facebook group?

@annweller6195 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

These is so many different ways these ABUSERS abused Samson He Truly Needs A Village He Need Voices Let's Get Samson Save For These MONSTERS Each Hour He With Them He Is In Extreme Danger
Please Become Part His Village Make The Calls To The WV Numbers The WV WV Social Workers The WV Hotline Report What He Hear Samson Saying He Being TAZED BEAT By More Then One Person. SAMSON Clearly Says DUANE Beats Him And That Is Who He Is With Right Now… And Samson Can't Help Himself He Can't Keep The Abuse From Happening He Doesn't Even Know Or Have A Way To Call 911 Please Help Save Samson

@jackiemartinez6463 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

Are you kidding me right now? Arrest those cruel, disgusting people who did this horrific crime to such a beautiful defenseless person like Samson. Prayers

@kellynicole3672 04/10/2024 - 4:01 AM

Thank god he’s got his sister that loves and watches out for him. Hopefully they arrest these people who did this, poor guy!


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