These Toxic Boy Moms Must Be Stopped

by konkon

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@OdinSonne 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

All these women exhibiting polygamy symptoms that are being reinforced and normalized (sadly) by the others of the same. Its NOT innocent at all.

@AVToth 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

There is a different bond between mother's and sons. Not a different love, just a different kind. To a boy, their mother is the perfect example of the female. That's so sweet, so ego boosting BUT girls feel the same about their father, if they are given the chance to know him. In raising my kids I wanted them to experience all the things that life offers. I wanted them to experience that feeling when you finally understand the difference between crush, intensely fond and real love. The difference between sex with someone you are intensely fond and the one you love, that feeling or awakening when that last little piece of the puzzle of parent/child bonding is complete and it's much like that last nanosecond when an atom finally splits. The realization that your entire purpose has just become clear. The enormity of if remains true but the over the top, terrifying yet magic feeling tones down, but I wanted them to experience it. I wanted to give some future young woman a good man and they damn sure don't make themselves. I wanted the same for my daughter.

@Karatemom68x3 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

OK this ignorant mom should be freaking in prison. She’s obviously a dimension piece of crap but what the F is happening with the Husband why is he allowed to kick her ass out of the house go to court and get your children and keep them safe from the stupid predator. The only thing I could think he’s a father, who is OK with his daughter being exploited with a mother posting pictures of her legs wide open every little toddler tell her she’s fat and she has cankles needs to be taken away from that freaking man and if the Dad isn’t willing to do it, he’s probably the biggest problem…Sorry not sorry

@jackijohnson3778 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I taught all of my k8ds too cook so they can go into the big world knowing how to take care of themselves. My dad is actually a great cook, he and his 2nd wife both work and he does the cooking because he likes it and she dont, it works. My son cooks because they work crazy hours, kids need fed.

@scottishmamalivingingodslight 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Three words – Emotional incest – Narcissism.

@princess3652 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I’m a boy mom, what I mean is I have 3 boys. I’m their mom, not their girlfriend, have no crush on them, want them to be loving good husbands. I want them to cook, clean, work hard for their family because they “love their family”.

@5points7019 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Your sons wife is now HIS family.. and you are now his extended family.

I dont just walk into their home, unless told to, even tho i have a key for emergencies.. they have one for my home too.

@kathyborthwick6738 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

These mothers need help – suspect these young men may be prone to be incredibly toxic and symbiotic behaviours!

@plex4718 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Have to say there is an old saying, a sons a son till he gets him a wife but a daughters a daughter for the rest of her life.

@WhtePrivlageJesusFollowerWoman 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

did these ladies now use penis pumps to blow their lips up because it looks like the lady @ 18:00 got her lips caught in the old penis pump…. oh well …. the better to …… nevermind

@dawalah 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

i always knew it was the mother's

@WhtePrivlageJesusFollowerWoman 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

16:39….. wow that's a pretty nice looking she dog bulldog mom it's a She-Man it's a She-Man He-Man mom …. yikes winner for some looks like her like she's an overbite underbite and a little bit me and my voice they're masculine she's going to turn her son gay

@dawalah 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I see my boyfriend's mother requesting things of him like protection during family confrontations and holding a grudge even tho my boyfriend's dad (her husband) is present (silent).

@dawalah 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

there is comedian that asked her kids if they think their dad's mom did a good job raising their dad…everyone laughed because we know…

@jpc5306 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

And next to none of these sons will have contact with their moms when older for clearly obvious reasons.

@WhtePrivlageJesusFollowerWoman 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

yeah I think anybody that has a child. experiences true love I was 15 when I had my daughter and I was obviously a little girl myself and I was so overcome with love and pure joy when she was placed in my arms and I had labored for 30 hours and I was exhausted when they placed her my arms I was immediately just so smitten with her that it's like none of the 30 hours that I had just labored through is a little girl myself mattered whatsoever completely forgot about and I kept counting her fingers in her toes and I kept smelling her and I was just embracing her and I said to my mom may I lick my baby she like you want to lick her like with your tongue I said I don't know how else do you get closer to her the love is so undescribable and she's like honey I know I've had three of you and I said you felt this way about me when I was born and my sister and my brother she's like yes and I was like well I just love this baby so much so I think that it's a normal person experiences the definition of true love when they birth a child is a mother again if I was able to be overcome a type of emotion as a 10th grader myself I'm pretty sure it's not just boys to give that kind of love to their boy moms… and this is extremely disgusting and twisted it is borderline obviously incest and child abuse in my opinion anybody that sets their child up to have a bad relationship and wants them to have a unhealthy marriage or companionship is just a twisted sick abuser why would you ever in your wildest dreams want your son to have an unhealthy partner and relationship as he grows into a man someday I mean it just blows my mind blows my mind I would lay my life down for either one of my daughters just so they could have normalcy have healthy families and home lives and be secure in their relationships and then be able to also then instill that in my grandchildren and project on my grandchildren what a happy healthy mother and father husband wife relationship looks like in what it's supposed to look like so then my grandchildren can use my children's marriages as the example of what they strive to have in there marriages and etc and for generations and generations to come instead of divorce and hate and cheating and insecurities and lying no I'm going for healthy over here on my end I guess that's in my opinion also who shows that they do truly love their child somebody who puts their child's interests first and forth most and you have to say is the selfless one putting your own needs once and desires above your child's that shows me that you don't love your child at all actually you love yourself and you love you are idea of a child that takes care of you don't forget we're supposed to be taking care of our children children bring us joy and love and we're to give them love and joy and security and guidance and protection for the first 18 years of their lives God also doesn't give us children so we can keep them around and give them unhealthy mommy issues we're only given children for a certain amount of time and then we're to let them go because they're really not ours God just trust us with these bundles of joy and trust that we're to do the right thing biblically and raise these children and guide them while their children so then they can go on and do as they were taught yeah we're not to keep our kids they're not ours to keep all reality well I really digress I'm sorry this is like a complete novel but I've never felt so passionate about a subject until I've stumbled across this video today I've never been heard of such a thing and now I'm like full blown psychotic on myself here with my rant in my 75 chapter biography or autobiography or thesis that has no punctuation thanks to my talk-to-text of course… bahaha…***…. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO AND THE COMMENTARY!!!!

@victoriabenade5156 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I don't get it. I have a son and a daughter and I love them both to pieces. I would hope they grow up and find someone who loves them as much as I do.❤

These women are highly insecure and need to resolve their mental health issues.

@missymother 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I feel like I can't say I'm a boy mum because this stuff is what they will think of me if I do. It's embarrassing. I have 4 wonderful children and yes I was excited to have a boy but that's because they are soooo rare in my family lol All 4 of them are brilliant in their own ways and also have their own little flaws and thats why they are all perfect and great in my mind. I'm a boy mum but I'm a girl mum too, I am A MUM.

@samanthastaley8836 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Pedos? Why am I getting that feeling? This stuff is creepy.

@lightfulynx 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

This is sooooo odd. I have two sons and before having my daughter I was a “boy mom” and that meant that those of us that have boys relate to how intense boys are…. Not some weird Oedipal fantasy. I’m shook

@michaelt2939 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Freud had it the wrong way round, huh.

@jacintadevries6876 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

My grandparents only had sons, they loved their daughter-in-laws like their own sons. They also had mostly grandsons so they had a bit of a special place in their hearts for their granddaughters. But that did not mean that the grandsons were not shown the same amount of love though.
My mama has 6 boys and 2 girls, she never made us feel like one or the other was better she just loved us all.

@kymrichter 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Do any of these Mothers have a Husband?

@bfroehlich08 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Can we talk about toxic boy grandmothers while we’re at it?

@alideees 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Omfg I just scrolled back to her very first IG post and she looks NOTHING like she used to. Wtf?!

@YouElm 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

Whether you have a point or not, you still need to have a sense of humour. Point out the bad, good, but don't mix in the humouress; you must see the humour, and when her daughter grows up, she's not going to still look like she does as a toddler.

@jamiekettell4257 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I am not finishing this video. Not gonna give this behavior a spotlight

@jamiekettell4257 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

This is the 1st time I’ve ever heard of this. Must be,,,I have a phone with a camera on it so I must do things that brings attention instead of just living life! Internet at it’s best

@VespoLiveGaming 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

A man needs to know how to cook. Like Clemenza said in the godfather- you never know when you might have to feed a bunch of hungry guys.

@christykiel1290 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I am a boy mom. My sons are now 21 and 19. I love my boys, but I cannot imagine being this enmeshed with my children.

@fKuRfEeLiNs 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I was ab*sed as a child from age 8 to 16 by a family member who flew under the radar cus he's mums brother & was her "best friend" but to see a mother openly exploiting her baby girl on the Internet for money is disgustingly vile & breaks my heart. She cannot say she didn't know about how prolific predators are on the Internet when she reads their comments & sees the thousands of saves on her daughters videos. To flash her daughter the way she does claiming she's showin her "flexibility" or lack of, sharing a "cute moment" at dance but posting the pic of her behind wearing a tight leotard, it's ridiculously disgusting & children's services should be lookin into her imo! But they won't as they're just as bad if not worse & cus she's got money they won't go near her! Thank you for doin this video, that little girl & her brother need protection from their dangerously toxic mother & we need to get this out there so more can come to this little girls defense. I'd like to kno where their father is & his opinion on all this too as well as the rest of the family cus surly they see how wrong & dangerous this & the mother is!

@sarahyarger1408 03/19/2024 - 3:01 PM

I have an adult son and 2 grandsons. Maybe I missed the assignment. I thought boy moms were ment to raise strong, independent, hard working MEN. Not grown babies. My adult son can cook, clean, do laundry and is a very hard working dad for his 2 sons. I'm proud of the man he has become. Man I guess I messed up.


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