Are These Relationships Doomed? | Reading Reddit Stories

by konkon

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@nate_thamfkngr8 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Regarding the AI story:

What he re(a)d made him feel dead, and now she’s looking for redemption.

@plilerj 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

How come this video isn't a part of the playlist?

@djbubblegum9975 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Arasha is easily tied with Damien as my favourite recurring guests on this show. Not only do I find them entertaining and endearing, but man, that emotional awareness can't be beat. As a young adult I really try to take some mental notes when they add their 2 cents to stories as it feels like they've got a very healthy approach to things, which is definitely the kind of direction I'd like to grow lol

@frostbitepup87 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

When me and my wife got together as bf and gf, i asked her out on my bed after a nice little valentines day date.
I proposed to her at a Art Place, after we made our pieces, she didn't realize i was writing "Kekkon shite kudasai" will you marry me in japanese.
She said yes 🙂
i don't believe it's fully the place but, making it special is nice, either way, we would have said yes to eachother in a parking lot, a beach, maybe even at home. but it's special in general.

@nickcage5102 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

5 yrs and you can't see the value of love is kind of silly

@nickcage5102 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Love is a mess. I you dont want to get sticky, you're not in love.

@nickcage5102 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Mad at a gift is a massive red flag. Run while you can.

@LumiMoonCh 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

You'd have to break up with the ps5 guy because dating children is illegal. Same with the "relationship plan" guy.

@UnBesoDeCristal 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

The third story is actually so funny, op sounds like a child from the get go even when not talking about the proposal, I think they're the definition of too young to be marrying but not necessarily due to their ages

@TheMindsStrange 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

My wife and I dated in high school for years. Sometime before winter break of my senior year, she made me this super thoughtful photo album that she made out of a deck of cards. She painted the back of each one and put pictures and fun sayings and inside jokes on the face of the cards, then looped them together on a metal clip ring. When we eventually broke up months before I graduated, I threw out everything, including the super thoughtful gift she made. Years later we are happily married but we still think about how stupid I was to throw that thing out. Hearing that Reddit story about the photo album reminded me of that and makes me think of a younger version of me 🙁

@FlyingGerbyl 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Too bad that that bedroom probably is not going to feel like a safe space/comfortable place any more…

@westcrisa1 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

I partially agree with the overall reaction to the proposal story but I don't find it mature on the person proposing side to up and leave without trying to talk about it, since we are emphasizing a mature approach to the whole thing. I find it hard to believe that you love someone enough to propose but you somehow miss that they would love a grand gesture? Sure you could meet in the middle, especially if the person proposing feels strongly against big gestures (which was never presented as the case here but just thinking out loud), but just as the woman getting proposed to could have had more consideration for the feelings of the woman making the proposal, the opposite is equally valid. Or at least prepare for a non favorable reaction because you're asking casually in the middle of a messy room. Sure maybe their future life will be full of messy rooms and the comfort space of their bedroom but the proposal doesn't need to be similar, especially since you are supposed to know your fiancee and be able to pick up on cues, especially when they are made so obvious. Sure, respect the fact that you are loved and chosen by someone you love back and be happy you have such a person in your life, but if in order to accommodate them you lose some part of yourself regardless how childish it would look to others, you are entitled to wonder and ponder … And the whole argument that 'life will be messy and you have to take it as it comes' doesn't apply here, you know the person you are proposing to, take the necessary steps, don't make them give up on something that can actually be controlled just because you feel comfy in your pajamas …

@GrumpyTy34er 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

I mean the last guy seems crazy but it's kind of just compressing all the standard first few date/month talks into a single letter.
Edit: He and I might both have a bit of the 'tism, but he is a bit too hustle culture as well

@arthurschamne9804 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

I think the point was missed about the Open Relationship story. He wasn't so mad at his wife for getting with other guys. It's his friend that became the problem, because the wife was turning down doing things with him because "Josh wouldn't like it"

@laurynblair5198 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

The first dude wrong but I feel like if you ask me what I want and don’t get it afterwards I’d be pissed too

@DPEnter 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

My first gift from my first proper girlfriend was a photo frame of photos of her and our only photo together at the time. I travel a lot for work and it meant I got to keep her with me even while I was away. Kickass gift . First guy is a fucking baby.

@justinhockstead3551 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

okay his reaction to the photo album was super childish but you're allowed to not feel anything towards photos. just because yall hold it in such high regard doesn't mean everyone does. yall are being just as childish as he is

@bradleybishop3702 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

@23:53 – the person that said no feels MUCH like my ex-wife, who had everythying planned and expected me to follow these. the proposal was sweet, I liked it, if you love this person it doesn't BLOORTING matter.

@honestly.yeah5 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

You forgot to add this to the "we react to reddit!" Playlist thing and I rewatch these on repeat to be productive, sleep, eat etc, they are out of order
Please do fix this </3

@marycarpenter8011 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

36 yr old married lady here, and I think the first story, the girlfriend was the one who doesn't get it actually. If gifts are a huge thing for him, then the gift that they want, is a gift that understands them as a person. If he isn't sentimental, which it's pretty clear he isn't, then a sentimental gift seems like a real bad gift that isn't understanding of who he is. She got him the gift she would want. Not one he would value. It was a bad gift. Giving someone a gift that doesn't line up with who they are, is being a bad gift giver. He's looking for someone who reciprocates in a relationship and contributes what he does. If she's not doing it, it makes it feel to him like she's not as equally invested. I'm 100% on his side. She goofed. Especially when she gave him hope by saying she'd see what she could do. If she couldn't, or wouldn't, she should have said so.

@doodlebobsquarepants 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Jeez trevor, drink some gd water

@charlieblack20wolfpack 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

The only way it’s an affair is that Josh manipulated the situation to HIS advantage and his friends detriment.

@feyiadebanjo 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Proposal story reminds me of Jim's proposal to Pam in The Office – kinda uncinematic, unplanned, and ordinary looking. But still, Pam the character and us the audience loved it and thought it was very romantic, and I'm sure loads of people watching thought they'd love a proposal story like that

@BouncyBAWLS 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Sometimes I find myself trauma dumping on my spouse far too much. Outside of her romantic perspective, I can see how venting to a character you like vs your spouse would feel healthier. And therapy is VERY expensive. Js, as someone who been trying to attain therapy for a few months now, seems a little privileged to say, "oh just go to therapy." Be a little more considerate with that regard.

@dominicsevilla1189 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Edit: just about to get to the character, my guess was Cloud Strife from final fantasy.

Was wrong lol

I feel like the proposal side, i tried endlessly to plan the proposal and each big thing I tried to plan fell through. We had a planned trip to a touristy place just a few towns over and I just said screw it, ill go for it there. I told a few close family members and friends a few days before and only a few were able to come. We had food and we stayed over the weekend. It wasnt what I wanted but it was everything that my parntner needed because really she just needed me to ask the question and provide a ring.

@whoahanant 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

The AI one is exactly what I thought it was. It's just unhealthy and that's what I think alot of these AI chats can do to people who are mentally or emotionally not stable.

It's also kinda creepy cause your info and conversations are going to a company….

It's why I roll my eyes to every AI chat ad I see. It's a new way to get information and money from you most of the time.

@darrenhodge7800 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Talking up your partners achievements is one of the best parts of being in a relationship. It has the benefit of reflecting well on you, too. This smart, talented person has chosen you to spend their life with. I never understood people who put their partners down. It makes you both look like losers.

@Sara-sn5gd 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

My family has a small business (way smaller than the woman's) and I know how important socializing with clients can be. It's a shallow thing, but in the business world first impressions count for a lot and it can result in you getting a deal that takes you to the Bahamas this summer, or losing it and making you count pennies at the end of the fiscal year. It would be bad enough if he did this at a private social gathering, but to do it in front of potential clients?? Does he not want her to earn money??

@ErutanXiku 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

God…PlayStation Guy is so entitled. He wants to talk bad gifts? For my 30th birthday, my ex gifted me a recipe book for a baking brand I dislike, and a pair of scissors.

That was all.

@liamcolotti6824 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

I’m an animal behavior student and a huge nerd. My girlfriend got me a Lego bouquet of flowers for Valentine’s Day. I cried.

@MelissaRae1975 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Lol the last one actually not to corny they are telling you up front what they want…you know what your walking into. I'd be down for that rather than going in blind lol

@MelissaRae1975 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

The open marriage one…I saw that coming a mile away

@FirstmateRouge 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Can you add this episode to the playlist??? I would really appreciate it!

@CoreyT97 03/03/2024 - 12:10 PM

Arashaaaaaaa!!! Woo!!! Love me some Arasha content


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