SCREAM VII Loses Melissa Barrera & Jenna Ortega | What is Happening?!

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@CodyLeachYT 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

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@aarongilmore1254 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

After what Spyglass did and the fallout, I think the franchise should just be done. I’m a huge SCREAM fan since 96. And as fans we’ve weathered our ups and downs. Scream 4 wasn’t the best when it came out but became more prolific. But that was the story, not how people were treated. I could see Neve not wanting to come back at all. I agree with Cody on just sitting on this for awhile. Look how rushed 6 was and is was MESSY. Not only that but they took away a lot of Gale’s growth from other movies. None of the other sequels did that. The writing from the Radio-silence team is fine but it’s a different type of scream. I know 6 want wasn’t supposed to be the franchise ending, but honestly, it’s better than an even worse 7.

@idiot_city5244 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Neither are anything to write home about lol, last two movies were the same

@trevorambrose7780 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

They need sell the rights to franchise them bringing Neve Campbell wouldn’t work unless she finally snap she turn out to be the killer in Scream 7 there isn’t nothing left for Neve Campbell do with scream ,They Better get Melissa back wait two years to bring another scream flim

@MychalMacblain-yw3qu 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I've been a fan of the scream fransise since one and two I really don't blame spyglass for fireing Melissa from the scream 7 film cause I will never stop watching scream fransise so I don't care about what you're opinions on how I feel about them so Thier

@Ryssa9548 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I'm one of those who will not go to watch it or stream it. I've been a Scream fan since the first movie and it was one of my favorite horror movies, as a 90's child I always felt very strongly about this movie. The last films were ok, not my favorite but they were ok for me, I wasn't a big fan of Melissa (she's ok but she doesn't stand out to me) or her character, in fact I only found her interesting when she was having Billy hallucinations, but what they just did to the actress is disgusting. I really want nothing to do with Spyglass anymore, they made a few of my favorite movies but this time they went too far and I cannot support this level of censorship or the decision to twist her words in favor of a very obvious political agenda… I just lost all interest in whatever they might come up with

@FernandoGarcia-rl6gj 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

They need to give it a rest with sendy & gal as characters, it's going to get ridiculous if their always the ones constantly being harassed by a psychotic serial killer lol

@FernandoGarcia-rl6gj 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I could see spyglass paying them both more in order for them to return. Either that or go in another direction but a lot of people may not support scream 7 if they choose to go another route

@blakefranklin882 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

As a 27 year fan of this franchise, all I can do as a fan is say fuck it. Let's just see what happens. I'm no Roger Ebert(RIP). But I can sat that this the most well protected franchise in all of cinema. As a hard-core fan, I went into Scream 3 back in 2000 knowing Kevin Williamson didn't write it and had a good time. Went into Scream 6 with the Neve controversy and I personally thought it was the best one since the 2nd entry. While I couldn't wait to see where the Carpenter saga would've went, I'm sure Spyglass knows how protected this series is and they'll gut out a decent entry. Cauals won't care.

@explorer8125 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I don’t want a reboot from them I want them to kiss and make up or sell the rights to someone who actually respects their actors and give us the finale we’ve all been excited about and obsessingly investigating details over for years… then they can do what ever they want with scream like they do with everything else that’s run it’s course

@explorer8125 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

So Christopher Landon can influence people to boycott WB and not get fired when Melissa states her opinion and gets fired, that’s stupid

@explorer8125 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I think she should sue the company. Possibly for breach of contract if that’s the case… I was reading about the affair scandal in the explorers club with the president and Christine. And he fired her as an act of vengeance really and so she filed a lawsuit stating it was a breach of contract etc…

@RainyDayBlue8 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Yup, reboot time

@johndamenillusionist4342 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Idk…me personally, i felt Scream VI was the second worst of the franchise behind Scream 3. So im naturally very open to bringing Neve back and doing something there. That'll put me in a seat for Scream VII. But if we wind up having no Neve, no Melisssa, and no Jenna?….i cant see any way of VII being good at all.

@Michael.1776 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Yeah she gained a million Instagram terrorists sympathizers

@orifeldman3213 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

As an Israeli, it sucked to hear Melisa and Gena’s opinions, very offensive.. as a scream fan and a fan of the characters of Sam and Tara and their story arc and a fan of how well they carried the franchise in the last 2 movies, it sucks that we got here ..

As for Sid, I was totally on board with passing of the torch and the way it was done, I was against bringing Sid and Gale for that matter to 6 so even though it was due to the money issue, I was happy that Sid wasn’t in it which i think was the right thing to do and I wished it had been the decision to begin with, and while Gale had an awesome scene, one of the best of the franchise, they could’ve left her out too, scream 5 gave them both what could’ve been a great send off

So I don’t want them to bring back Sid especially not as the lead because it would be going backwards and dragging this along and along, you have to know where to stop , because as much as it’s good, if you keep dragging this along, eventually it will be ruined

Clearly new characters and a new story is also out of the question, and since as you pointed out and I agree, Sam and Tara are the middle of an ark so the best option under this circumstance is recast, something I’ve never been a fan of, and in this case it’s very problematic because it’s not a secondary character , it’s a lead, and 2 leads even so I guess my opinion is shut it down, not to this movie at all and let 6 be the ending

@DavidEvans-rs1vw 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I won’t be watching scream 7 when it comes out. If it comes out

@orifeldman3213 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Cody, most of her post weren’t natural or wishful that people would stop dying no matter what side, she supports the Palestinians, the ones whos leaders did to the Israelis at any age things that compared to them, Casey Becker’s murder looks like a spa treatment

@pharxahghxst3654 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM


@pharxahghxst3654 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

I would not blame them for nor coming back but it would be dope to have stew mocker back in he played his roll very well

@NathanBailey-hg3qf 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

An absolute joke. I’m done with this franchise.

@TonyTunes95 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Scream 1 is the only good movie in the franchise so who cares lol

@josephsmith886 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

The way i see it, yes it is a shame she was fired for her expressing her feelings on a political issue via social media.
That being said, just because we have the freedom of speech, it doesnt mean you're exempt from the consequences of said speech.
Is it fair what happened to her? No, not at all. Is it par the course these days with such things? Yes.
It sucks. People are expendable in all avenues and professions, and that is a true shame imo. There is no brand loyalty from both sides. It's all about the bottom line and stepping on the back of those they're trying to get ahead of.
Congrata to Jenna for standing with her co-star and friend. The studio wont have much else going for the sequel if they cant mend fences.

@davedelarond6383 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Good riddance, let her get a job in Gaza

@user-rw4hc3vt7o 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Also, who knows? This could turn "Scream 7" into an awesome cast reunion piece. "Scream" has been cruising for awhile now. It's arguably the most consistent horror film series ever. There's not really a bad entry in it. So, if the next one completely shits the bed this will be blamed. Good. The politically correct bullshit is getting way out of hand.

@user-rw4hc3vt7o 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

Remember when people could have opinions and if you disagreed it was just something you had to accept? Remember when you could say something that pissed everyone off and it didn't ruin your life? Good times.

@johntziannis359 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

First Neve Campbell and now Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega. They made great new final girls and scream queens.

@prnst4r 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

They should bring Rory Culkin back, aka Charlie Walker from scr4m.

@RedHeadThriller10 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

And it's not even that it's like since Jenna it's not coming back because she rather do Wednesday because that's what's in her heart they use any excuse to get rid of the other girl and it's so vile and disgusting behavior that this company has done to these women

@danieldelgado5408 12/03/2023 - 3:24 PM

they should do a stab movie, and then next next year figure it out what to do


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